Elementary school: building interest in math and science

STEM Connect program

As early as third grade, students who are historically underserved are learning that math and science aren't for them. This sets them on a path toward eventually leaving school without a plan for their future. Our STEM Connect Program changes that narrative. The program engages 4th and 5th graders in learning experiences that increase their interest and change their mindset about math and science. Launched in 2015, our STEM Connect program is now in 30 elementary schools statewide.



How it works

The program creates a close relationship between a company and a local school that has a disproportionate number of students who are historically underserved. The In4All team sets up the partnership, helps define the activities, trains volunteers, attends classroom sessions, and follows up to evaluate the experience.

When business volunteers come into the classroom, they lead a hands-on learning activity related to their industry showing how they use math and science in their jobs. Not only do volunteers have a great time being an "educator for the day" four times a year, but they play an important role in engaging students to imagine new possibilities for themselves.

The STEM Connect program consists of 4 classroom visits by industry professionals in the school’s community.

  • Visit 1 is an Intro Visit where students and volunteers get acquainted, learn about the volunteers’ careers, and talk about STEM.

  • Visits 2 & 3 are hands-on activities designed in collaboration with teachers and industry professionals and are tied to next generation science standards (NGSS).

  • Visit 4 is a career related visit. These visits can include the wider school community (such as a science night) or a classroom visit that provides an additional opportunity to engage in an activity.

Each year, we gather feedback from students, teachers, and volunteers and work to adapt and iterate our program.

4th Grade

4th Grade STEM Connect Activities explore building, engineering, and energy transfer. The first activity is Bridge Building where students construct a bridge out of paper and test its strength. Activity two is Marbles in Motion where students create a paper structure to launch a marble towards a target.

5th Grade

5th Grade STEM Connect Activities explore acidity & pH, erosion, water contamination, and human impact on our environment. In activity one, students make predictions and test the strength of acids and bases. For the second activity, students create a filtration system for contaminated water and test how well it works.

STEM Connect™ Activity Materials →



Community Partner Roles & responsibilities

what to expect

Learn more about what to expect from In4All’s STEM Connect Program and how to prepare for your visits! If you have any questions about accessing resources, please contact your program STEM Connect Program Manager, Cherylann Mucciolo.


Schools / Educators

As a school participating in our STEM Connect™ program, 4th & 5th-grade students will receive standards-based and engaging hands-on activities brought to them by business co-learner. Co-learners visit the classroom four times during the school year. Students get to know these co-learners, learn about their careers, and be supported while they have fun and learn through our activities.

Responsibilities Checklist for Schools / Educators →


Businesses / Co-Learner

As a volunteer in our STEM Connect program, you’ll have the opportunity to bring engaging hands-on activities to our 4th & 5th-grade students. Co-Learner visit the classroom four times during the school year. You get to learn from our students, talk about your career, and support students while they have fun and learn with our activities.

Responsibilities Checklist for Businesses / Co-Learner →



business co-learner information

preparing for visits

Thank you for being a STEM Connect co-learner with your company. We are grateful for your commitment and excited to see the difference you will make in students’ lives. On this page, you will learn about the steps involved in participating including a background check with your school district. If you have feedback about your experience, please email us.

Watch the presentation below to learn more about our engagement model and details about partnering as a co-learner.



step 1

Sign-up with In4All

Get signed up with In4All to make sure you get all the calendar invites and information needed for your classroom visits.

Volunteer Sign-Up Form →



Background Checks

All schools require that volunteers complete a background check before entering the classroom. Please check your school district's website for specific volunteer requirements. Background checks take varying amounts of time, so complete your registration well before your first visit.

School District Background Check Instructions →


step 3

Get Trained

This year, training will be held in person. Your Volunteer Lead will coordinate with one of our Program Managers to schedule your training session. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Co-Learner Lead for your organization.

Training Information →


step 4

Prepare for Visits

Get ready to get into the classroom! Get started on your checklist, connect with your teacher, and personalize the visit materials for your organization.



stem connect program

activity materials

The STEM Connect program engages 4th and 5th grade students in hands-on learning experiences that increase their interest in math, science and careers they might not have imagined for themselves. Business co-learners lead each activity while sharing how they use math and science in their jobs and engaging students to imagine new possibilities for themselves.

The links below will direct you to our STEM Connect activity content, including presentations, videos, and data sheets. These links are password protected. The password is available from your STEM Connect Program Manager, Cherylann Mucciolo.


4th Grade STEM Connect Activities explore building, engineering and energy transfer.

4th Grade


Introduction visit

Activity 1: Bridge Building

Activity 2: Marbles in Motion

Career Connections Visit


*Business Created Content*

In4All can provide guidance and support in coming up with your activity!



5th Grade STEM Connect Activities explore acidity & pH, erosion, water contamination, and human impact on our environment.


Introduction visit



Career Connections Visit


*Business Created Content*

In4All can provide guidance and support in coming up with your activity!