22-23 Program Kick Off!


Welcome new and returning volunteers, teachers, and families – In4All is kicking off another program year! Our annual Possibilities event in October gave us a chance to connect and reflect with our community. Since then, we’ve completed 2,100 student STEM Kits with the help of our partners and seasonal staff workers. Our Program Managers have been initiating and coordinating this year's programs over the last few months. We heard our volunteer’s desire to be back in the classroom with students and are excited about returning to fully in-person programming with visits starting as early as this month!



In4All’s annual Possibilities event is a celebration of our community and the work that we do. This year, our program was held in person AND online. It is safe to say that our first-ever hybrid event was a success! In honor of this year's theme “Amplifying Student Voice,” our event featured a panel of seven students from Westview High School. These students shared their experiences with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in their schools and communities. Thank you to our event sponsors and the entire In4all community for your support and commitment to our students.

Presenting Sponsor

Welcoming Sponsor

Event Sponsors


Amplifying Student Voice

In4All board member Jasmine Locke facilitated an engaging student discussion about their experiences in the educational system.


In4All Possibilities 2022 - Student Panel


22-23 Programs 

We are officially kicking off our 2022-2023 program year! Over the last few months, our programs team has worked hard to iterate our curriculum and create our student STEM Kits with the support of our seasonal high school staff and community partners. We have begun volunteer training with sessions being held virtually and in person. All of our program visits will be in person this year, see our program timeline below to get a better idea of what to expect this year.


Getting Started

All volunteers must be signed up through In4All and complete their background checks before entering the classroom. If you are a new or returning volunteer, please review our program pages to know what to expect (STEM Connect | Design Thinking). Volunteer Training is one of the most critical steps in preparing volunteers to facilitate our programs. Training sessions will be scheduled by your Volunteer Lead. If you cannot attend your scheduled training session, we have pre-recorded training videos available!


New Year, New Materials

We wouldn’t be In4All if we were not iterating our programs. After redesigning our student STEM Kits, we made improvements to the STEM Connect curriculum using feedback gathered directly from volunteers and teachers. Notable highlights include the addition of volunteer lesson guides, updated classroom presentations, and new activity walkthrough videos. Check out our updated STEM Connect Activity Materials →


22-23 Program Timeline

Learn about our timeline for programming this year. Please note that the dates for an individual school program may vary depending on the agreed-upon visit schedule.


22-23 In4All Program Timeline
